Why AccuMatch Behavior Intelligence?

September 17, 2019

Nagui Bihelek

When I started down this path it was to fix a problem. So many business owners, HR managers, and recruiters failed to get the right person in the right job. The millennials want to work for the right company with the right culture and have growth opportunities. Unlike previous generations that were just happy to have a job, save their money and enjoy life. Today with we’re faced with “Life balance” and “Entitlement”. Whereas before it was simple “Gratitude”.

How do you help a small business that cannot justify the cost of a recruitment firm or in-house HR manager to get the right person, and doesn’t get enough practice at interviewing to be able to tell the difference between a nice guy/gal, and a good fit for the job. Even experienced HR and recruiters will tell you that most of the time they are at best 50% lucky to get the match right. So what’s the point of all that experience when it’s not any better than sheer GUT instincts, which so many owners and leaders still swear by.

I constantly shake my head when I hear people tell me “I just know. It’s gut instinct.” When you question them to provide statistical data to support that, it’s either non-existent or they start to share all the mis-hires they’ve had, which supposedly taught them to trust their gut.

Who needs science when you can just use your gut. Culture, Management styles, and requirements for the role are not important – I just use my gut instincts. It’s worked well so far.

Then you have the Personality profiles for people. We use profiling to assess the match!

“How is that working out”, I ask.“well, it’s good. We’d never hire without it”.

“So, you can tell Culture, and how they respond to the management style and expectations of the organization?” – Blank looks.

Followed by “We can tell if they are suited to the job, by their personality”.

“Really”, I respond.

“Because personality tells you a bit about who they are, but doesn’t tell you how they behave in specific situations”.

I maybe an Influencer, or Persuader, but that doesn’t tell you how I respond to stressful situations, or going out to meet and engage people.

Does it tell you if I can absorb large amounts of information, or sit at a desk for long periods of time.

Does it tell you if I can do the same task day-in day-out or if that will drive me crazy. “No.”

Well, these are the real things that matter about matching someone to a Job; Culture, Management style, and the Clients you attract.

Does it tell you if I can absorb large amounts of information, or sit at a desk for long periods of time.

Does it tell you if I can do the same task day-in day-out or if that will drive me crazy. “No.”

Well, these are the real things that matter about matching someone to a Job; Culture, Management style, and the Clients you attract.

Understanding behavioral responses to situations tell you a great deal more than personality. Behavioral responses are developed and programmed through learning and experience. We develop habits. It’s what differentiates human beings from animals, from apes. We act, receive feedback, correct, adjust and repeat. Eventually, these become our automatic responses, observed automatic behaviors.

After many years of research and studies in this field insights come from Neuroscience and Nuro-Linguistic-Programming. Yes, programming.

Do you know how many automatically programmed responses you have which support your values and beliefs, your protection mechanisms for balance, safety, survivals, and so on?

Hundreds. Thousands. Everything from driving a car to being told what to do, and much more.

We call them instinctive responses, but they are actually programmed responses.

What if you could measure these?

What if you had a system, a tool that showed these, match these to specific situations, specific jobs, tasks, responsibilities.

Wouldn’t that be worth having? No more guessing or gut decisions.

This is not personality, it’s behavior.

Two people with similar personalities can behave differently in any given situations because of their programmed responses. AccuMatch identifies key behavioral responses as these relate to a role, task, even management style and culture.

Now let’s move beyond just hiring. What about managing people. Motivating them. Knowing how they respond to situations.

How useful is that to management? Leadership? Getting everyone on the team rowing in the same directions?

If I know that someone on my team will always respond to a new idea with“Why are we doing this?”, as opposed to another who responds with “How do we go about this?” Wouldn’t that make your ability to get the team aligned far easier?

What about someone that wants to be given a problem to solve, versus someone who just wants to be given the steps to follow in that situation.

It’s not personality, it’s behavior.