Your brain is extremely powerful and resilient.

AccuMatchBI is the gateway to Brain Power.

Your power to help others achieve anything.

Behavior Patterns

Neural coaching

Be an Industry Leader

Are You Building A Coaching Practice?

This Is The Stuff Other Training Organizations Do Not Teach.


Get better results for your clients by understanding the neural-programs, habits and patterns that show up as observable behaviors.

Everything about your client starts with their behaviors. Behaviors that stemmed from the neural-networks of their brain, and are acted out in real-life.

Getting clients to breakthrough their limiting behaviors starts with understanding that how a person tackles a task is just as important as knowing what task to tackle.

Behavior Intelligence is the process of depersonalizing the observed behaviors in others, and working with the cause, at the neural-level, for the behaviors rather than the person themselves.


Expand your coaching intelligence into any or all of the following categories.


Helping organization leaders and individuals to uncover their limiting behaviors and blind-spots is the first step to working with them to introduce new neural-pathways which will result in new behavior that breakthrough old barriers.


How do you catalog and map the culture of a team or organization without a neural-mapping system. AccuMatch’s Behavioral coaching is the only program that allows you to quickly and visually show the common behaviors of an organization. Their CULTURE.


Passion and conviction about a role are unconscious neural patterns. In order to achieve long term sustainable change in employee engagement we need to map their unconscious behaviors, anything else is short lived.


Behavior Intelligence training courses helps you learn about your own limiting behaviors, your own blind-spots. Achieve greater results for yourself, your family, you clients, and coachees. It is just as important for you to grow and expand your own comfort zone and tools as it is to help others.

End-To-End Training Through To Implementation.


Build your B.I. knowledge.


Become confident through experience.


Build a Successful coaching practice.

Revolutionize Your Coaching Through The Neuroscience of Behavior Intelligence!

Self-Paced Online Videos plus 3 months access to community master classes.

AccuMatchBI Certification

AccuMatch maps behavior that we observe in others. It’s the spoken language, and the non-verbal cues that are the insight to the neural programs that each of us run in our heads to make decisions, to respond to situations verbally or physically. Behavior Intelligence allows you to coach a neural level of these behaviors.

Video Lessons

We’ve broken up the training into a series of Online lessons that you can access from anywhere. The lesson units and modules are short and to the point, so you can take them in small bite size pieces and apply what you learn as you go. Regular practice between modules will significantly improve your results with your clients.

Assessment Maps

Included with the online training and certification are 2 free (non-expiring) client assessments. Subject to program purchased you have the opportunity to subscribe to monthly plans and receive assessments at a significantly reduced rate. These provide you with ability to quickly monetize your investment while you get real life practice and support from our professional master trainers.

Weekly Masterclasses

We know it takes time and practice. Just like any sport. Real life examples, scenarios and coaching sessions are provided live every week via global webinars, so that you can become proficient at coaching with Behavior Intelligence and the AccuMatch BRMap.

Backend Systems

Unlimited access to your client reports. As we make new functionalities available, you get immediate access to these features through the mapping software. To map individuals, team members, or to move people around when they change roles or even companies.

One-on-one Review

Unlimited access to your client reports. As we make new functionalities available, you get immediate access to these features through the mapping software. To map individuals, team members, or to move people around when they change roles or even companies.

In-Person, includes Self-Paced Online Videos plus End-to-End build your coaching practice.

Behavior Intelligence

The We dive into the background, taking a closer look at the neuroscience of the brain and the myelinated behaviors that show up as habits. Some of the theories which date back to early 1900's that led to Cognitive Behavior sciences.

Language of Intention

Is language a behavior? Does it truly imply Intention? We tend to project our own biases and triggers into what we hear others say or do. However language can be intentional when we understand the behavioral traits mapped by AccuMatch.

Behavioral Transformation

The process of helping someone change is often talked about in terms of their transformation. Transformation implies a more permanent state than just a temporary change. We'll spend time going through these sustainable states and how to achieve them.

Target Markets

Your success is built on clarity and focus. When you are passionate about what you do, it shows, and people connect to that quickly. To ensure you are well grounded and confident about your offer and target market take conviction.

Sales and Marketing

We'll share with you sales and marketing strategies and tools to help you succeed in finding your ideal coaching client and we'll train you to ask the right questions which will help them decide to buy you and your coaching.

Growth Strategies

Once you get busy coaching it's easy to lose sight that marketing and sales are an on going process. To grow and sustain a successful practice depends on the systems that are the foundational layers of any business.

Access Our YouTube Channel

Want to check out some of our educational content?

Check out some of these video on our YouTube channel.

More About Behavior Intelligence Training

In order to make the changes need to transform yourself and your success we start with an understanding of Behavior. To achieve the highest level of Intelligence about Behaviors. Your behaviors and the behaviors of others. Every interaction with others involves Observed Behaviors.



Part of the journey to working at the neural level with clients is to understand the role of how and why our brains filter what we observe. What you hear and see is filtered first. Reducing the volume of information to manageable sizes. Reducing by aligning to your own set of guidelines.


Eliminate Guesswork

Some prefer to called it gut instinct, when in reality it is a guess. When something matches a previous experience our brain processes that and gives us a the feeling that this is familiar. This familiarity happens so quickly at an unconscious level that all we relate to is the feeling, which we call gut instinct.


Be an Industry Leader

In order to take your coaching to the next level a coach needs to be able to recognize when they themselves are bringing their own biases to their coaching. Knowing and understanding the behaviors cataloged by AccuMatch Behavioural training courses is the first step to not only recognizing these but also managing them.

More About Behavior Intelligence Training

In order to make the changes need to transform yourself and your success we start with an understanding of Behavior. To achieve the highest level of Intelligence about Behaviors. Your behaviors and the behaviors of others. Every interaction with others involves Observed Behaviors.


Part of the journey to working at the neural level with clients is to understand the role of how and why our brains filter what we observe. What you hear and see is filtered first. Reducing the volume of information to manageable sizes. Reducing by aligning to your own set of guidelines.

Eliminate Guesswork

Some prefer to called it gut instinct, when in reality it is a guess. When something matches a previous experience our brain processes that and gives us a the feeling that this is familiar. This familiarity happens so quickly at an unconscious level that all we relate to is the feeling, which we call gut instinct.

Be an Industry Leader

In order to take your coaching to the next level a coach needs to be able to recognize when they themselves are bringing their own biases to their coaching. Knowing and understanding the behaviors cataloged by AccuMatch Behavioural training courses is the first step to not only recognizing these but also managing them.

3 COURSES + BIQCoach App.
BIQ, AccuMatchBI, and BYCP


Your understanding of the intersections between neuroscience, cognitive psychology and behaviorism will take your coaching practice to a whole new level.


Your ability to quickly interpret an individual's neural map allows you to quickly expose their unconscious programming that show up as triggered responses.


Building a successful coaching practice on top of a unique methodology not only differentiates you from the pack, it increases clients' results, referrals and retention.

BIQCoach App

To engage your coaching clients, whether it is 1-on-1 or in groups is easier when you have a solid application to track goals, sessions, and docs. Learn more.

One-on-One Coaching Sessions,
12 Month Access to Group Coaching MasterClasses.

BIQ Proficiency

Everything you need to

get certified and to run your own Behavior Intelligence with AccuMatchBI coaching practice.

Executive Panel Qualifications

PHDs, Psych, MBA, Masters...

Your Uniqueness

  • 20 modules, 78 lessons

  • 12 months access and
    peer coaching

  • Professional Support

  • 60 assessments included

  • BIQCoach coaching app

  • Exclusive community portal

Advanced Learning

  • Access to weekly webinars

  • Coach training through to building your BIQ coaching practice.

Pricing & Subscription Details

Standard PLAN


(One-time payment

training and certification only)

  • AccuMatchBI Training & Certification

  • 5 Assessments to complete certification

  • 3 Months of Support



(One-time payment

includes training and 12 months)

  • AccuMatchBI Training & Certification

  • 12 Months of Support

  • Full Access to BIQCoach App

  • Full Access to AccuMatchBI Platform

  • 5 Assessments per Month

  • Bonus Access to Build Your Own Coaching Practice Course

  • Choose a subscription plan post 12-month period



($3,000 training + $1,970 Annual)

  • AccuMatchBI Training & Certification

  • 12 Months of Support + Ongoing Discounted Subscription

  • Full Access to BIQCoach App

  • Full Access to AccuMatchBI Platform

  • 5 Assessments per Month

  • Bonus Access to Build Your Own Coaching Practice Course

  • Automatically transitions into a DISCOUNTED annual subscription

Behavior Intelligence course

AccuMatchBI training and certification

Build Your Coaching Practice training and eBook

12 Months weekly Masterclass mastermind sessions

60 AccuMatch assessments (5 per month)

On going support and marketing assistance

BIQCoach - 12 months access to the coaching app

Total Value - Over

56% Off

Limited Time!

  • 1,500.00

  • 2,500.00

  • 1,000.00

  • 2,000.00

  • 3,000.00

  • incl.

  • 1,500.00


  • 11,500.00


Be a Behavior Intelligence certified coach.

Kick off your coaching career or take your existing coaching certification to the next level. With a Behavior Intelligence coach using AccuMatch you understand behavior and can get results for your clients quickly and consistently.