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Why AccuMatch?
The AccuMatch map is like an MRI or CT Scan of the brain’s unconscious behaviors.
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The AccuMatch System
Do more in less time. In real time. Everything you need right at your fingertips.
Access to 49 behavior traits in context of the workplace.
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The Science:
By analyzing the complex work of world leading experts in psychology, behaviorism and neuroscience, added to decades of experience and research and development, we are able to bring these to practical application. To help people breakthrough blindspots and limiting thoughts that show up as inappropriate behaviors.
Whether a leader, business owner, manager, employee or family member. At work, in sports, or at home we all develop neural-networks I call neural-programs. Just like a computer, it is these programs that run unconsciously whenever we are triggered to respond. Just like when you press the keys on your computer keyboard. Each keystroke triggers a computer program to respond to your actions. You too when communicating with others, thinking, or acting out an action, are running programs in response to the events in the world around you.
AccuMatch And Behavior Intelligence allows us to unpack these programs, and begin the process of reprogramming your brain to respond differently. To achieve desired results rather than the accidental, or unwanted ones.
For instance: Leaders dealing with overwhelm, procrastination, lack of confidence, too controlling, demanding, and so on. These and many more are exactly those types of neural-programs that get inappropriate responses. Undesirable outcomes.
To change these outcomes we need not only look into the behavior that is being acted out, we need to go deeper into the mind to understand where these came from. And before we can do that we need a tool that exposes the neural-programs that is running these behaviors. A tool like AccuMatch and programs like Behavior Intelligence training and coaching.
We all have everything we need to achieve anything we want. But, like the computer, if you were to try and run an Apple program on a Microsoft computer you are unlikely to get the desired outcome. While some behaviors are appropriate in certain situations, or contexts, the same ones maybe inappropriate in other situations.
A football coach yelling out instructions to players on the field during an important game, maybe appropriate in that context. However, trying the same thing in a work environment as a leader, may get you a response that is deserving to that attitude. Maybe revolt, or mutiny, or just the middle finger.
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Neural-Behavior Intelligence Coaching?
Scientifically proven data that is accurate and therefore applicable in coaching.
Coaching with Behavior Intelligence is not a collection of tips.
It's a system that turns you into a highly effective person.
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Leadership Behavior Intelligence
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